
Unit BlackFox\Adminer accepts as a parameter an object inherited from SCRUD and provides full control over the table:

\BlackFox\Adminer::Run(['SCRUD' => Docs\Feedback::I()]);


Public methods are actions

Name Parameters Description
Section $FILTER = [], $PAGE = 1, $SORT = ['ID' => 'DESC'], $FIELDS = ['*@@'] Displays the table
GetDefaultValues Returns the default dictionary
GetBackLink Returns a link to the previous page
CreateForm $FILTER = [], $FIELDS = [] Displays a form to create new item
UpdateForm $ID = null, $FIELDS = [] Displays the edit form of an existing element
Create $FIELDS = [], $REDIRECT = 'Stay' Create element
Update $ID, $FIELDS = [], $REDIRECT = 'Stay' Edit element
GetLinkForRedirect $ID, $REDIRECT Returns a link to the next page
Delete $ID Deletes element(s)
GetPages $total, $current, $limit Returns an array used to form pagination
ControlUrl Clears GET request from empty values
SanitizeUrl $url Converts the GET request to a human-readable form
LoadTableSettings Loads table settings
SaveTableSettings $filters = [], $fields = [] Saves table settings
GetTabsOfCreate Returns an array of tabs of the element creation form
GetTabsOfUpdate Returns an array of tabs of the edit element form
SearchOuter $code, $search, $page = 1 looks For suitable values for the external element


Name Description
element a set of tabs that include a form for creating/editing an element
element_tab_main tab is for creating / editing the item
element_head the header from the form of creating / editing the item
element_foot the footer from the form of creating / editing the item
element_bottom_buttons Buttons "Save", "Confirm", "Cancel", "Delete"
element_tab_external Tab for table of related elements (can be multiple)
filter filter
section section: filter + element table
pager page navigation
section_settings section display settings
section_settings_list section display settings: list of fields

Example of adding a view

Suppose you want to add an additional tab to the edit form of the element on which to place the form for the new action.
To do this, create a descendant unit from Adminer, as well as:

Override GetTabsOfUpdate:

namespace BlackFox;
class AdminerUsers extends Adminer {
	// ...
	public function GetTabsOfUpdate() {
		return parent::GetTabsOfUpdate() + [
				'actions' => [
					'NAME' => T([
						'en' => 'Actions',
						'ru' => 'Действия',
					'VIEW' => 'element_tab_actions',

Create view element_tab_actions:

 /** @var \BlackFox\Adminer $this */ ?>
 /** @var array $RESULT */ ?>
<form method="post">
		class="btn btn-info"
		<?= T([
			'en' => 'Log in with this user',
			'ru' => 'Авторизоваться под этим пользователем',
		]) ?>

Example of view inheritance

Suppose that you want to rewrite the form of creating of element.
To do this, create a descendant unit from Adminer, as well as override element view:

<?php /** @var \BlackFox\Adminer $this */ ?>
<?php /** @var array $RESULT */ ?>
<? if ($RESULT['MODE'] <> 'Create'): ?>
	<? require $this->TemplateParentPath(); ?>
<? else: ?>
	<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
		<!-- new form for update -->
<? endif; ?>

the method GetParentView() will return path to the original view

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